Our customer Phil Isaacson at Great Plains Fire reported the recent damage to one of his customer’s fire trucks outfitted with a PolyBilt® body. The truck was being used by the department as a traffic stop for a road accident. The firetruck was damaged by a tractor trailer attempting to drive past the fire truck. As you can see from the photos, the tractor trailer sustained significant damage while the PolyBilt body received little damage. And, the repair to the PolyBilt body was done with the body on the chassis. There was no need for the body to be removed. The customer was pleased with the little amount of damage. The customer was also impressed by the quick and easy repair process by the PolyBilt team.
Photos of the damage sustained to both the Semi Trailer and the Fire Body.
“Our technicians were dispatched quickly to the customer’s location in Minnesota. We were able to quickly repair the damage to the body while the body was on the chassis. We had the body repaired and ready for paint in approximately two and half days”, said Nick Dean, VP of Pro Poly WI Operations, a joint owner with WS Darley of PolyBilt. “We believe the body would have been significantly more damaged, perhaps a total loss, had it been with another material”, confirmed Phil Isaacson. “The PolyBilt® body is just really a tough material!” A special thanks to Chief Tom Miller of the Pine City Fire Department for allowing us to show you how isolated damages can occur to an apparatus and the ease of the repair your department can expect with a PolyBilt Body.
Photos of the repairs being completed on chassis with minimal delay.
Completed repairs to truck. looking good as new and down time was kept to the absolute minimal.